Can I give my tithe to the poor?

a person giving title at the churh

No, you cannot. Tithing is an act of giving
one-tenth of our produce, profit, or wage to the House of God (Church).

According to Malachi 3:10a – Bring the whole
tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.NIV. The purpose
is for the sustenance of the “ministers” (pastors, church workers, and members)
and the maintenance of the temple (variable costs).

The New Testament did not condemn tithing but rather
encouraged us to give more (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The New Testament deals with and emphasizes the
benefits of giving. New Testament asks us to be cheerful givers rather than
the concept of tithing. It emphasis one to give, there are no stipulations as
like 10%.

We are to give as we are able. This could be more
than ten percent whereas sometimes it could be less than that. This all relies
on the ability of the believer and the needs of the body of Christ. 

There is no doubt that helping poor people is an act
of God’s men
. Tithing belongs to the Church and at the same time, we should not
forget the poor. We need to support the poor and help them in every
circumstance to pull them up by offering our help.

So giving an offering to the needy around you is good
but at the same time tithe should be done.

This will help in the effective running of the
church (tithe). Meanwhile, the Church does humanitarian services

You will be blessed by doing it, only if you do it
with the right heart.  

However, helping the poor should not stop you from
giving your tithe to the church because this will aid the churches to operate
effectively as churches have many humanitarian services too. 

One has to pray and ask the wisdom of God in this
about how to give as per James 1:5. Tithing is not a bribe to God; you are
honoring God and giving back from what He has given you. It comes out of

Remember, the tithes we are giving need to be given
with more motivation and it should be an act of worshiping God. It is all about
giving God from what He has given to us.

“Each man should give what he has decided in
his heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Paul gives a clear understanding of giving in his
letter in1 Corinthians 16:1-12, each believer needs to set aside something to
support the church. However, giving has to be done willingly and based on the
giver’s decision in regard to the amount.

Mark 12:41-44. Even though the poor widow gave a
fraction of a penny, this looked great before the eyes of the Lord because she
gave out of her poverty. That shows the heart of her women.

Jesus wants cheerful givers and not those who give
on compulsion. Give your best to God in everything He will take care of

According to Matthew 25.33-46:

We are commanded to give to the people
who is around us who are needy?

If they are hungry feed them with good

If they don’t possess clothes, give them
clothes to wear.

If they need to have ministered, give them

Scripture says, if you do this least to any one of
them, we do it to God. One can’t boycott the needy around us and give our tithes to
churches. Both have to be seen as two eyes. The responsibility of a believer in
Christ never finishes when the tithe is given, one has to be concerned over
others. Jesus was compassionate over the poor, needy
, widows, and destitute. If God
has blessed you, we need to be a blessing to others.

If you follow the teachings of the New Testament, then
you will be open and submissive to give away everything if asked it. What you
have received so far belongs to God, and we are giving back from what he has
blessed us. Your life, your family, your stuff all belong to God because He
bought you lock, stock, and barrel.

Also read 

Tithing in The New Testament